Ecuador es un país pluricultural y diverso

Los Mejores Destinos

Elegir tours privados te brinda la oportunidad de vivir una experiencia más íntima y mirar con otros ojos cada detalle de un país o ciudad.

El Cacao fino de aroma


El Cacao es una fruta tropical, sus cultivos se encuentran mayormente en el Litoral y en la Amazonía, la producción se concentra principalmente en las provincias de Los Ríos, Guayas, Manabí y Sucumbíos. En Ecuador se cultivan dos variedades de planta: el CCN-51 y el denominado Cacao Nacional o Fino de Aroma conocido como ‘Cacao Arriba’.
Ven y conoce con nosotros más sobre este fruto ancestral.

half day tour

Guayaquil City Tour + Parque Histórico

full day tour

Bosque de Churute + Granja de Cacao

Elaboración de Chocolate Orgánico

full day tour

Isla Salango - Tour Costero

Snorkel, Aves Marinas, Puerto López

full day tour

Salinas + Puerto El Morro

Playa, Aves y Delfines

Somos la puerta de bienvenida a la bella ciudad de Guayaquil


Ven y visita El Barrio Las Peñas con nosotros, barrio emblemático donde nació la Ciudad de Guayaquil, su estilo colonial y sus contrastes lo conectan con las tradiciones, el arte y la esencia de su gente. El Parque Histórico es un lugar recreativo con un espacio de vida silvestre que exhibe especies de flora y fauna, además de casas antiguas de la zona urbana.

full day tour

Manglares, Delfines y Aves

half day tour

Granja de Cacao

Frutas y Plantaciones

half day tour

Granja de Cacao

Clases de Cocina Ecuatoriana

Y elaboración de Chocolate

half day tour

Manglares de Churute

Navegación por el Estuario

y Observación de Aves

half day tour

Senderos de Bosque y Pescadores

full day tour

Manglares, Delfines

Y Granja de Cacao

half day tour

Guayaquil City Tour + Granja de Cacao

Recorre con nosotros Guayaquil y la Costa

Experiencias y Testimonios

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I had an absolutely amazing experience on this tour. We went to a ton of different spots checking out a lot of the murals that were on the underpasses. We went up to this spot on a hill which had an amazing view. After we went to the iguana park and checked out Panama street which were so cool. Eddie was our tour guide and he was awesome the whole time. Very funny and extremely knowledgeable. I would recommend this tour to everyone staying in Guayaquil on vacation!!!
What a great tour!
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Yamil and his team were right on time to pick us up, we are incredibly friendly and full of information. We couldn't have asked for better guides! On the way to Churute we stopped at a rice production plant and a local fruit stall. (The fruit was delicious!) We then went to Churute. I was able to see many families of monkeys, in a beautiful walk. The lunch we had at the Cacao plantation was fantastic! The tour of the farm and the cocoa making process was very interesting and I learned a lot. Being able to taste the cacao fruit, then the raw beans, the roasted beans, and all the steps up to the final process was really cool! This tour was absolutely the highlight of our stay in Guayaquil!!
nick d
nick d
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This tour was amazing! Great tour guide. We learned a lot about the history of Guayaquil and the rich culture and diversity of animals that there are.
Great tour!
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We were contacted by Yamil a day before and offered the option of spending more time in the country. We chose this option as this was more of interest to us. We went to the Finca Cumanda in Milagro - along the way Yamil pointed out many sights and provided a lot of interesting information. We spent many hours preparing lunch, touring the farm, and learning how to make chocolate.

Tarifas 2023

20 Años de Experiencia
Guía Local
Transporte Privado
Turismo Ecológico

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